Learn How The NATB & Our Members Support our Communities
32 FOR 32
On July 1, 2009, the NATB and Ronald McDonald House Charities announced the beginning of a multi-year partnership that would see NATB members donate tickets and time to Ronald McDonald Houses across the USA.
That summer, NATB 32 for 32 was born. It saw NATB member-brokers donate 32 tickets for each NFL pre-season game in each of the league’s 32 markets. Furthermore, the NATB family offered 32 volunteer hours in each market.
The hard work of organizers and the generosity of NATB members resulted in overwhelming success by giving support to the families of seriously ill children at a time when they need it most.
Still going strong, NATB 32 for 32 has given away some 18,000 NFL tickets valued at well over $1 million. Members and their families have given some 1,500 hours of their time as volunteers.
In addition, NATB Gives Back has contributed over $100,000 to the annual RHMC Awards of Excellence, in honor of dedicated professionals and private citizens whose pioneering efforts improve young people’s lives.
On October 22, 2010, the NATB was made a member of the Ray Kroc Heritage Society and recognized on its Donor Wall, located at McDonald’s World Headquarters in Oak Brook, IL.
If you would like to contribute, or if you have questions about NATB 32 for 32, contact us at
NATB member Jerome Cohen of Best Tickets in San Antonio, TX, is an example of how NATB members are pivoting to continue their support of RHMC. This holiday season Jerome coordinated with his local House and donated restaurant gift cards to families staying there. Jerome’s generosity is inspiring!
If you’re an NATB member with a fundraising or volunteer story of your own, we’d love to hear it. Please send it to